Hyrax - Bad Request (400)

Bad DAP Request

It appears that you have submitted a Bad Request.

The specific error message associated with your request was:

In w10n data requests are only valid for 'leaves', the requested resource is a node or is not data.

There may simply be problem with the syntax of your OPeNDAP URL. If you are using server side functions in your constraint expression you should double check the syntax of the functions that you are attempting to use.

It may also be that the URL extension did not match any that are known by this server.

Here is a list of the six URL extensions that are be recognized by all DAP servers:

dds - The DAP2 syntactic (structural) metadata response.
dds - The DAP2 semantic metadata response.
dods - The DAP2 data response.
info - The DAP2 HTML dataset information page.
html - The DAP2 HTML data request form.
ascii - The DAP2 ASCII data response.

In addition Hyrax and other new servers support the following DAP4 URL extensions:

dmr - The DAP4 dataset metadata response.
dap - The DAP4 data response.
dsr - The DAP4 dataset services response.
ddx - The DAP3.2 dataset metadata response.

If you think that the server is broken (that the URL you submitted should have worked), then please contact the OPeNDAP user support coordinator at: gsfc-dl-help-disc@mail.nasa.gov

Hyrax - Bad Request (400)