GES DISC GrADS Data Server - top level - GPM_IMERG_LandSeaMask.2

GES DISC GrADS Data Server - info for /GPM_IMERG_LandSeaMask.2 : dds  das


Land/Sea static mask relevant to IMERG precipitation 0.1x0.1 degree V2
Documentation: (none provided)
-179.95000000000°E to 179.95000000000°E
 (3600 points, avg. res. 0.1°)
-89.95000000000°N to 89.95000000000°N
 (1800 points, avg. res. 0.1°)
00Z01JAN1998 to 00Z01JAN1998
 (1 points)
(total of 1)
land/sea mask [%]

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Global attributes:

Authors: "Bill Olson, Dave Bolvin, George Huffman"
DOI: "10.5067/6P5EM1HPR3VD"
title: "Land/Sea static mask relevant to IMERG precipitation 0.1x0.1 degree V2"
Conventions: "COARDS"
dataType: "Grid"
history: "Thu Aug 10 14:22:14 GMT 2023 : imported by GrADS Data Server 2.2"
History: "This land sea mask originated from the NOAA group at SSEC in the 1980s. It was originally produced at 1/6 deg resolution, and then regridded for the purposes of GPCP, TMPA, and IMERG precipitation products. NASA code 610.2, Global Change Data Center, restructured this IMERG land sea mask to match the IMERG grid, and converted the file to CF-compliant netCDF4. Version 2 was created in May, 2019 to resolve detected inaccuracies in coastal regions."
Description: "This IMERG land sea mask contains values ranging from 0% to 100% with 0% representing all land and 100% representing all ocean"


landseamask: Grid
_FillValue: -9.99E8
missing_value: -9.99E8
long_name: "land/sea mask [%] "
landseamask: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..0][lat = 0..1799][lon = 0..3599]
_FillValue: -9.99E8
missing_value: -9.99E8
long_name: "land/sea mask [%] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "1"
grads_min: "00z01jan1998"
grads_step: "1dy"
units: "days since 1970-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "00z01jan1998"
maximum: "00z01jan1998"
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..1799]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "1800"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: -89.95000000000
maximum: 89.95000000000
resolution: 0.1
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..3599]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "3600"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: -179.95000000000
maximum: 179.95000000000
resolution: 0.1
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..0]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "1"
grads_min: "00z01jan1998"
grads_step: "1dy"
units: "days since 1970-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "00z01jan1998"
maximum: "00z01jan1998"
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..1799]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "1800"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: -89.95000000000
maximum: 89.95000000000
resolution: 0.1
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..3599]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "3600"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: -179.95000000000
maximum: 179.95000000000
resolution: 0.1

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GrADS Data Server 2.2 (help using this server) . This page last updated 02Z 10 Aug 2023.